Your development process

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  • nocomply0

    In this past year I've spent a lot of time completely revising my toolset and workflow.

    Back in January I was still using Dreamweaver and FTPing files to live web servers for testing on my Windows 8 PC.

    Now I'm on a Mac using Sublime Text 2 and developing as much as possible locally using MAMP. There are many ST2 packages that are indispensable to me. If you really want to know them I could look them up and list them out.

    I'm going to start incorporating SASS into the development process on my next project as well.

    I've personally never tried brackets, but I've read about it and it looks pretty cool. However having just put several months into the learning curve of Sublime Text 2 I'm not too eager to jump ship just yet.

    I use Chrome app called "Dimensions" and… to test my sites for responsiveness, but I also do real, live device testing during the final phase before launch as well.

    For FTP I use Filezilla because I've been using it for years and I like it.

    I use my old PC laptop to test in IE 8-10. And I'm way less picky about it than I used to be. The cost of progress, I suppose. I prefer doing that to using bootcamp or something similar, and I'm too cheap to pay for browserstack for how little I use it - though it would be a nice luxury.

    I have not gotten into version control because I haven't felt a critical need for it, but I'm guessing once I start I'll never want to go back. However working as a 1-man show, it just never felt like a total necessity. I think I just don't understand it the way I really need to.

    I use an app called icon slate to create regular and HDPI favicons, and LiveReload to dynamically reload the sites I'm working on in my browser when changes are made.

    And web development aside, I've found that Total Finder has been the single best Mac app that I've installed in terms of making file navigation for efficient.

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