Rob Ford Crack Music

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • nb0

    An even bigger issue than him smoking crack is that his response to being investigated was to go after the Police Chief. This would be unacceptable in any other city in Canada.

    • that was his brother going after the Chief for supposed conflict of interest, he's righ there is but its two sided conflictuuuuuu
    • exactlyprophetone
    • the conflict of interest is with Rob Ford AND the Police investigationuuuuuu
    • just watch the TPS use this as a means to escalate the war on drugsuuuuuu
    • there is no 'war on drugs' in Canada - and if he did something illegal than he should be arrested - not shit onspot13
    • there is a war on drugs its just not called the war on drugs. its an expressionuuuuuu
    • nospot13
    • if there is no war simply put the police view drug users as criminals, like an enemyuuuuuu

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