Cell phone DANGER

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • lowimpakt0

    this kind of reporting pisses me off. it's not propaganda as such but it is sensationalist and reeks of shit.

    The piece opens with two men saying they had brain tumours and used mobile phones. So what? that is not even remotely evidence of anything. Correlation does not equal causation.

    Also, the first interview with the professor asks about how the industry has responded rather than the evidence/science. It then focusses on the tobacco industry as if that has any relevance to the issue. this is about building a paranoid context for conspiracy theories.

    and what about the bit that says "exactly where women keep their phones" over a shot of a woman stuffing her phone into her bra????


    The WHO and IARC have classified the electromagnetic fields from phones as possibly carcenogenic. This is not the same as actually being carcenogenic but it warrants further research and not sensationalist news.


    Also, Cancer research UK point out that the big risk from phones at the moment is deaths caused by car crashes.


    • Those signature char lines on bbq are pure carcinogens also.monospaced
    • < up to 17 different typesZOOP

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