
Out of context: Reply #508

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  • iCanHazQBN0


    This company has gone retarded without Steve Jobs cracking his whip. They simply don't give a shit anymore, and are now unafraid to make mistakes. Apple will be drifting along with PC companies like Dell soon enough.

    It was Apple's attention to detail that got it where it is today. And they are losing it quickly.

    • so sadhans_glib
    • Yeah. iPhones are starting to look like those shit dell phones from years ago. They better step it up or DOOOOMED!monospaced
    • it's that attitude that will cause long term problems. hey we sell shit-loads of product - no need to care, right?hans_glib
    • people start to notice, and go elsewhere.hans_glib
    • http://i.istockimg.c…Bluejam
    • Mono why do you always need an exact date?? What's with that? I'm saying they're slipping like they've never slipped before.iCanHazQBN
    • before. Just because I can't provide you with an exact date doesn't mean they aren't slipping.iCanHazQBN
    • And these dots aren't hidden in some obscure corner of the software.. its RIGHT THERE on the Home screen....iCanHazQBN
    • ...and yet STILL nobody there has noticed this or bothered to fix it. How many testers do they have over there???iCanHazQBN
    • They haven't slipped, actually. This year alone they made more money than all their competitors combined.monospaced
    • Also, since you've been saying it for years, I have to eventually ask about your timeline.monospaced
    • I mean, you've been wrong all along, unless you meant they'd die sometime in 2020.monospaced
    • What are you talking about? I haven't been saying this for years. Just this year.. since all the ios7 stuff.iCanHazQBN
    • And I am not talking about slipping financially. I'm talking about their design slipping... which will then lead to the financial slip...iCanHazQBN
    • ..the financial slip. Apple's appeal is their design quality. That is what has separated them from other companies.iCanHazQBN
    • This is a fucking disgrace to honest. Pagination not centralised...was this a junior UI designer who designed this? I actually canceled my order when I saw your screenshot, thanksBullitt
    • i didn't notice until you said something. and i find myself not caring.doesnotexist
    • You don't care because you're probably a passive designer who shouldn't be in this business.iCanHazQBN
    • It is poor and a sign of the times over at Apple. Not good enough.RW
    • And it's not just in the folders, the dots aren't even centered on the Home screen.iCanHazQBN
    • you're probably right. i should end my miserable existence.doesnotexist
    • Last time i checked, this was a design forum... god forbid people discuss design here. Yeah, go kill yourself...iCanHazQBN

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