Someone famous on the street?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • VectorMasked0

    I haven't said Hi to any people yet. Not so much because I didn't want to do it, but because I am pretty sure they are sick of people approaching them for a handshake or autograph.
    So far I have ran into Billy Corgan walking with Matt Chamberlain, Elvis Costello, Alec Baldwin, Travis Barker, Ben Gillies, Bill Hader, Dallas Green, and a few others but thought I'd leave them alone.
    I did kinda feel like insulting Mark Wahlberg because he was very arrogant and walking like he was the greatest thing that's happen to earth.

    • Really? What did he do ?numero1
    • I've heard many firsthand reports on Mark Wahlberg's APPALLING personality.

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