
Out of context: Reply #136

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  • inteliboy0

    Even if Apple released a revolutionary product, or created some kind of paradigm shift in a certain market..... the internet will continue to bitch and whine, spewing forth rants about how this new product is a terrible idea, how ugly it is, how they are doomed and how Steve Jobs will be turning in his grave.

    No matter what Apple do, haters hate and everyone else complains. It's been this way since the 80's and forever will be.

    Don't forget, the majority here on QBN laughed and mocked the iPad when it was announced. Sadly, from what should have been designers with a view of where the future of tech & design is heading, especially when many here design UI, web, apps etc for a living.

    • Some of us are just trying to evaluate the prospects of a tech company that makes money on designformed
    • I don't recall anyone hating the iPad. I enjoyed the first of both iPad and iPhoneformed
    • This is probably the first time i've genuinely hated an apple product... (ios7)iCanHazQBN

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