Stress when semi-asleep

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • moldero0

    I woke up the other night swatting at mosquito's that weren't there, I dream of these fucking assholes, these mother fuckers are everywhere now. Im going to take a deet bath.

    but yeah seriously, I hear you GreatSoulGlow, I went through that as well, I think being over worked did it for me, especially when it was either clients I loathed, like a certain oil company, working my ass off for a client I hated. Not so much because it was Gas, but because we did political ads for these cock smokers, shit I cant even mention online without possible serious repercussions coming back to me or the rest of our team, so basically we sold our souls and did some shit that really got to us as individuals, OR clients I didn't give a shit about because the work just wasn't stimulating enough because of agency politics putting restraints on creativity. + I just felt like I was wasting my life to pay an over priced mortgage in a city full of other miserable fucks trying to survive in an over priced city just like myself.

    Make a drastic change in your life, the mind is fuckin genius, if you dont give it stimulation, it will stimulate you in the worst ways possible, iow, control it before it controls you. change man change. the more drastic the better and the more you'll learn and grow from the experience as well.
    Get a passport, get out of your comfort zone for a while, it will do wonders, and if you grow the cahones, move out of your comfort zone for a longer while, life is too short to only know 1 culture.

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