Stress when semi-asleep

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • TheGreatGlorpo0

    I appreciate the responses. Thanks so much.

    Interesting to see that some of you have similar issues, or have in the past. To answer a few questions: I don't drink caffeine. Gave it up entirely a few months back. Don't drink too much. Occasional glass of whiskey or scotch.

    I also don't fall asleep on the couch too often. It's more of just that "I'm not ready to go to sleep" feeling that keeps me there, or just actually falling asleep watching a movie after like 11 or 12 or something, especially if the show doesn't hold my attention.

    Those feelings never seem to happen if I'm going to sleep in our bed. I usually fall right asleep and sleep well then. We've got a nice bed, I get a great night's sleep there.

    I think I'm just trying to understand what those thoughts are telling me and what I need to do to feel better about them. I'm a confident person in daily life, and I might worry about the same things when I'm fully conscious and going about my day, but never as intensely as after waking up at night like I described.

    I really think some of you are right with that "moment of dread" and "moment of intense clarity" aspect. I think those might be parts of my personality that I am good at masking and pushing away during the day or when my mind is fully occupied. Truth is, and I am not alone in thinking this, life can get pretty intense. GeorgesIV mentioned a lot of similar things: what will happen to other people if I were gone, what would I do if I lost someone close to me. I think that we can get really overwhelmed sometimes at the finalities of life - realizing we won't live forever, realizing we will all experience loss that is life changing and will crush us.

    I think I really need to try to stay away from mobile phone, iPad, computer screens late at night. There is plenty of info about the negative effects of looking at bright devices before going to sleep. We also talked a few years ago about picking a couple nights a week to read actual books or magazines in bed to fall asleep to. The problem is right now, I am not working, so every day is a Saturday, and I don't have a regular bedtime schedule. Wife works so she's usually in bed earlier and I'm still awake.

    Thank you again for the comments.

    • ^ You'd be amazed how much some basic ambient music and deep breathing can assist you... We're all over thinkers...ideaist

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