Stress when semi-asleep

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  • GeorgesIV0

    Hey, TheGreatGlorpo, I've been suffering from this condition for almost my entire life, I don't have a name for it because I don't feel anything is wrong with me, but often just before I go to bed, the craziest things will go through my mind, often some really sick scary things too, like what would happen if a loved one got killed, what if I could help them but was too late, what if... etc etc,

    I tried smoking before going to bed, sleeping pills, alcohol, leaving the radio on, etc, etc than one day I found something that works for me,

    I listen to podcast, I will find the most obscure podcast ever, no matter the subject, history, cars, esoterism, movies, kitchen, carpentry,... and I'll put my headphones on and listen to people talk by themselves or with a guest, max 30 min and I'll be deep asleep,

    it drowns out my flow of anxiety and I actually learn something in the process, good luck man

    (try to find the radio that don't have advertising, it's fuckn annoying having a break every 5 min)
    here are some of my favorites:
    anything from……

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