going vegetarian?

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • RW0

    Been vege for around 12 years now. No problems at all; every check-up I have, they say I'm in A1 condition and I am one lazy sod with little to no exercise most days. I don't miss meat at all and feel sick even smelling it nowadays. I love animals; it was a moral decision.

    The food chain argument is thus, in my mind... the food chain exists out of a necessity for one species to live off of another. Eating meat three times a day every day is not necessity / it's not even close: it's gluttony / greed. Plain and simple. My best friend eats meat but only, maybe twice a week or so. He's not concerned about the moral side but gets the gluttony thing.

    The food chain viewpoint I hold means that, if I needed to; and it were about survival - then I would kill an animal and eat it... but as long as I don't have to, I won't... especially if it means I'm better off and I'm not contributing to the meat industry, etc etc etc

    • isn't the food chain argument about plants retaining higher energy because they get it from the sun first?doesnotexist
    • then the cow eats it... then you eat the cow...doesnotexist
    • Vege 23 years now. Healthy apart from inherited nonsense like hypothyroid and the odd psoriasis. Otherwise, A-ok.mikotondria3
    • Most of nutrition of an animal is in the organs, Organs were more prime cut then meat back in the day.yurimon

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