Conspiracy of the day

Out of context: Reply #58

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  • GeorgesIV0

    lol, I'm burning all my porn on cd and putting my electrical devices in my microwave,
    I work for NASA . or did probably until word gets out i posted this.
    Our sun is about to unleash the most huge solar storm in human history.

    People around the office are freaking out about it.

    We are projecting an event so huge it will make the Carrington Event look like a sparkler.

    It looks like this one will wipe out our entire global grid for at least 10-15 years.

    If you are not prepared , get that way , fast.

    Time range 1-2 weeks until utter chaos.

    Our magnetic field is almost completely down at this point, there is nothing left to protect us from this huge of a blast.

    It is unsure what may or may not happen other than global power outage.

    We think it could be even worse than that.

    Heat like we've never encountered before will be one of them.

    try to stay cool in any way you can, this is serious.

    Be safe my friends.

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