Thoughts on LESS or SASS

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  • d_rek0

    Full disclosure: I'm sort of a half-assed web developer. But I do plenty of web design and I find myself building smaller sites (mostly static with some wordpress) a couple times a year.

    As a designer the benefit isn't really apparent to me for small sites, and it really confuses the shit out of me to have master css files and also LESS/SASS files with their own set of variables, etc.

    TL;DR. It's really confusing to me.

    • A few of the WP projects I did used LESS. I felt like I was basically doign twice the work to update the CSS and also the LESS markupd_rek
    • LESS markupd_rek
    • you may like this
    • You should never be updating the CSS files directly. They should be handled by a preprocessor (CodeKit, Mixture)hereswhatidid
    • Can't help but think css preprocessors feel like a developers solution to a developers problemd_rek
    • It IS a developers solution to a developers problem. Build more than a couple sites a year and you'll need it.hereswhatidid
    • So then how does it help a designer?d_rek
    • i can see how that would be a welcome feature
      ā€“ prophetone1/4
      Because Find and Replace in a CSS file is so hard to do?
      ā€“ mg332/4
      that's what i do now, find/replace. also group things together nicely. worked so far.
      ā€“ prophetone3/4
      Who said it was specifically for designers? It's for people that create stylesheets.
    • Who said it was specifically for designers? It's for people that create stylesheets.hereswhatidid

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