Tales from the Strip...

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • fooler0

    I've been wearing my keys on a good climbing carabiner for about 10 years now. Not one of those cheap ones you buy at 7/11 that is stamped "NOT FOR CLIMBING" but a one specifically for climbing I got at REI and I've never ever had a key fall off the ring once in those 10 years.
    Last week I stopped by a strip club after watching the NBA final game for a night cap and proceeded to a few private lap dances from some goth chick. After the dances I went back to the bar to finish my drink. Right before I was going to leave the goth stripper walks up to me and asks if I wanted another dance. I said no and I was about to leave. She waved my car keys in front of my face and said "not without these... Buy me a shot of jager and a lap dance and you can have them back". I quickly checked my key ring and sure enough she had them. I looked pissed and she smiled and feed me a line about how she "found" them in the couch and I was lucky to she "found" them. I ended up buying her, and I, a shot and bought another lap dance thinking she had done me a favor.
    The next day it accrued to me that she totally stole them from me and if they didn't happen to be old beat up Saab keys she probably would have stole my car and left me to call a cab home.

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