Bars, Clubs, Restaurants with cool Websites

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Miguex0

    People don't spend time interacting socially on bar/club/restaurant sites.

    and what planet are you from exactly?

    I mean.. look closely theres a person actually holding an iPad, that's right... someone even decided upfront "Fuck it, I'm going to get bored at this place, I'm taking my iPad with me"

    If you ever been to a big concert/ nightclub, you will notice that prior to doors opening you can text friends and receive calls no problem, but by the time the headliner is up on stage, EVERYONE IS FUCKED, no signal of any kind, this is due to 10000s of people trying to interact at the same time.

    • They are interacting socially AT bar/club/restaurants... yes. I meant on their websites, dude.monospaced
    • These people are tweeting, facebooking, instagramming, and all that... but not on the club sites that i know ofmonospaced
    • People need to learn how to enjoy what is in front of them.newuser
    • Their phonesset

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