
Out of context: Reply #26

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  • kingkong0

    I suppose it's like any politician or political party, if you benefited from their decisions you love them, if you didn't you hate them. As someone from a family that bought their council house, were able to start a successful business and send their kids to a selective grammar school she was a hero in my family.

    To many she was a complete hate figure and destroyed jobs and communities.

    Cant help wonder what state we'd be in if it wasn't for what she did, in a globalised world. A bit like France or more like Germany or Scandinavia?

    One things for sure given the last two or three I'd vote for her tomorrow.

    Funny how much of the spineless politics and politicians in the UK are as much to do with the reaction to not be like thatcher during the 90's. Absolute gimps to a man.

    • you can gain personally from a set of policies and still hate what happens to the majority who get left out.Fax_Benson
    • Fax_Benson, some people are individualists other people see the whole picture.oey
    • How can i feel happy with a good thing that happens to me and as I look around the World is dead?oey
    • it wasnt, I saw a whole bunch of working class families where I grew up benefit massively.kingkong
    • then that's alright then Kingkong,georgesIII
    • yep pretty muchkingkong
    • Now imagine if you were a miner, or a farmer or a prole or anyone who didn't benefit from her largessegeorgesIII
    • loadsssaa moneyykingsteven
    • Ah, that old tory principle of 'as long as i'm rich the rest can do one'isakosmo

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