going vegetarian?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Miguex0

    I always found it strange how whenever I'm at a restaurant and order something with no meat on it, the question 'Are you vegetarian?' comes up. For the majority of people its unusual to think that a person can enjoy a vegetarian dish one day, and do a face plant on a steak the next day. You are either a carnivore or a vegetarian and there is no in between.

    Why is that? is it that strange to just enjoy food? (and no I don't mean in the pretentious 'foodie' way, but just like food like everyone else...)

    Then there are the 'eating right nazis' populating facebook on why you shouldn't eat this or that, but always forget about the cardio/ active life part.

    I don't eat red meat that often, but I enjoy it every now and then. I could not quit eating fish though.

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