Out of context: Reply #6

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  • detritus0

    And by the way, Georges - the reason the F35 i's 'the most expensive ever' is because of the extent of roles it is intended to replace, as well as the distriuvurted, incusive build economics it's working on (involving noney sent to yourvery own Italy, dontcha know?) Viewed as 'a single weapon, now', yes - that's quite a sum of money. Viewed as 'a range of weapons, over 40 years' it's well within the realms of typical expenditure.

    It's only really obtuse people that don't make the distinction.

    And btw, it does fly, quite well in fact. Only bettered by the F22 by most measures, and will only get better as it's developed.

    Iran's thing probably just about flies in scale kit form (there is video, taken in the glum of twilight which attests to this, after all) - just as long as it's not expected to do anything an RC plane isn't supposed.

    • jesus, i really need to start checking posts before submitting.detritus
    • the jokes on you when you realise you could change course and invest money in education instead of the war machineGeorgesII
    • it was ever thus, georges - in a roundabout way, it's shit like defence spending that enables education in the first place.detritus
    • Tell me again - why did you family end up in Italy?detritus
    • *grabs popcornmonospaced
    • lol, you guy are hardcore,
      I move to italy at 25 with my girlfriend because we wanted something different, you?
    • I guess your point is kinda moot now, but if that makes you hard, you can think I came by boat because I wanted to learn to readGeorgesII
    • read and be around smart white peopleGeorgesII
    • and how is defense enabling education, would like to know really without sounding smuggGeorgesII
    • defence spending is investment in one's own industry - and my point about your migration was less banana boat, more 'benefits of industry'detritus
    • 'benefits of unsavoury industry'.
      there's a reason for the west's preminence, georges - it's war.
    • (or the organisation involved in the machine that delivers it, used or otherwise).detritus
    • man, aren't you supposed to be almost 40 and you still sound like a preteen who sadly haven't travelled much, benefits, ahahhaGeorgesII
    • The problem's not in The Spend - it's in the taxation (or not), pork barreling, and monopolisation. Not the toy.detritus
    • yeah, trying to juggle that one after the veiled racist comment, banana boats, are you living in the 14th century?GeorgesII
    • I'm just not as hopelessly naive as you appear to be georges - tell me, what's an answer? Not a criticism, an asnwer?detritus
    • no, you implied I was making that comparision - i said I wasn't by declaring it out as you wished.detritus
    • please use the big as square below to make your point, then i'll reply, then you'll say tomato and I'll say tomaytoh, usualGeorgesII
    • My point is that war brings our economies comfort - always has, will until there's a better model. Sadly there's not, yet.detritus
    • where you obliged to bring my moving around the world to make your point about defense budgets??? no, you did it because it was cunty and lowGeorgesII
    • because it's was cunty and low,
      exactly what little girls do, you didn't have to do it, but you did it anyway
    • For being a peace-loving dude that is above it all, you sure like to argue a lot.DrBombay

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