How can Creationists argue

Out of context: Reply #87

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  • jazzman1210


    If one doesn't believe in God, then you have to assume, the Bible, Quran etc. all religious books are fictitious. we cannot use any thing those books say in this discussion. I am not even arguing the bible is right or wrong, im not even saying any religion is right or wrong, we are just talking about a creator. I am not trying to disrespect anyones beliefs. When one dismisses an argument without thinking through it with an open mind, they are robbing themselves of the truth. Religious people do this all the time. Because they are so stuck in what they believe or they let their emotions define what they believe, instead of basing their emotions on what they believe. People who don't believe in God sometimes act just like religious people when they don't evaluate from an objective perspective. All I am saying is look at all arguments from a non emotional clear mind and then make a evaluation of what you believe.

    I believe religion screws up morality all the time. I love the fact that you brought up your dog. which lines up with what im talking about. Why does an animal like a Dog who has a different brain structure as a human being still categorize acts as "GOOD" or "BAD" acts? the dog has never known religion, I am not talking about WHAT is or Good or bad im just saying the act of SEPARATING and categorizing acts into GOOD and BAD. Why does your Dog and your mind do the something?

    If for example lets assume in a universe where there is not a higher being or definer of morality. We are all different individual beings, my mind might seperate an act 'A' as a good act but your mind might categorize that act 'B' as a bad act. but we both are categorizing it, why are we doing that... thats what im trying to get us to think about. I followed the rabit hole that there isnt a God and i ended up with question. Why does all living beings that think categorize everything into Good acts and Bad acts, why is there a common need to do that? thats all I am asking you to think about. We dont need a bible or a religion to tell us there is an abosolute common definition of what is Good and Bad its in animals in all people. that to me tells me there is a higher being.

    I have always thought christians are hypocrites, all people do that anybody that lies is a hypocrite and i dont know anyone that doesnt lie. or i dont know anyone that isnt a hypocrite , show me someone who says they are not a hypocrite and they are being a hypocrite by saying they arnt one haha...

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