D90 Raw Question

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • vaxorcist0

    I'm not a fan of Nikon's RAW tools... so I ignore those modes....

    Batch Processing in Bridge can be more tedious than in Lightroom, CaptureOnePro, or even Corel AfterShotPro, which can all take one shot and more easily apply the same settings to a series of other images and immediately let you see what happens, rather than waiting a while for Bridge to go off to Photoshop and back again and blink a bunch for each photo and sometimes crash with odd error messages...

    Corel AfterShotPro used to be Bibble, hopefully Corel doesn't mess it up too much, it's fast, especially at making contact sheets, only 2 weaknesses: 1: not so great with massively over-exposed images and 2: you have to get Noise Ninja plug-in separately if you're shooting low light, high-ISO and want it to look less noisy.

    Lightroom 4.0 is my current favorite, brush tools are FANTASTIC, and its highlight rescuing from over exposure or contrast is great.... weakness: If you don't have enough RAM, or your computer isn't pretty fast, or you're using a slower USB external hard drive, it can be slow to respond to UI elements and a bit maddening... high ISO is great too....

    CaptureOnePro seems to give nicest skin-tone out of the box, pretty good at rescuing over-exposure highlights, and fast to export..works well on even not-so-brand-new hardware, but high iso, low light images can be a bit more grainy than lightroom's....

    Have fun! I'm processing a couple of 3000 shot association conference jobs right now....

    • still haven't switched to 4 yet. i have a bunch of presets i need to convert. but 4 looks awesome!jaylarson

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