What to do in London tonight?

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  • maikel0

    The thing about Dalston is that apparently you have to come up with things like squatting (although you are perfectly able to pay a rent) and grow a beard regardless of how shitty it looks on you...

    Are the fixies still trendy or is it too 2011?

    Anyway, the area has some cool places and Dalston Superstore normally is a great gig.

    I'll be out around Mayfair today, which is the inverse opposite of Dalston. Plenty of skint people pretending that they can afford champagne (on credit) for blonde girls with fake tan pretending they can afford designer shoes.

    • "able to pay a rent" haha you seen rent prices in Dalston these days?animatedgif
    • enough to pay a 2 bed flat in more modest areas... like south ken! : Pmaikel

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