
Out of context: Reply #2

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    Their work is solid.

    Couple of reasons why you might think later work is bad

    - Older ones who have survived over the years are more solid brand. You may have different perspective about particular brand since you are more exposed to it and embracement toward it regardless of what it looks like.

    - Note that work after 1988, there are more stylized, micro level details and extensive colors. As methods of printing and technology of different channels improve, they are able to add more details. Logo becomes limitless in terms of creative interpretation. Logos used to have thicker lines and simpler shapes because they couldn't execute it effectively at that time to all matters of exposure.

    - Logos tend to lag in design trend. As design trend cycles rapidly increase, we see designs that are considered to have pass it's height of trendiness. Distribution of identity takes time as well as embracement as such.

    - Cultural shift in perception and business of brand really took off in various phases over the years. Mad Men set in the 60s was the dotcom of the time. Everyone was starting agencies (much like everyone is doing now as technology is enabling them to be self sufficient). As notion of branding and advertising become more prevalent, the science theory and process of brand solidifies to the masses. Agencies becomes more of production house as clients gain more knowledge. Remember, agencies think clients are idiots and clients think agencies are idiots.

    - Notion of classic is based on the current trend that we are in. Minimalism and simplification is a style became dominant follows by textualization of brand. Design seems to have 20-30 yr recycle life (looking at last 100 years). Anything under that, we tend to think that it is crap because current style evolved from it. Anything beyond and surviving brand becomes a classic.

    - It is easy to knock on few bad designs with a large body of good work because they stand out.

    - It is arguable that a brand survives because the design communication is carefully selected but there are great amount of logos which were well designed but the business did not survive. We see things differently on value of survivability

    • Ramble..2002
    • this comes from a guy who has never designed a logo in his life2002
    • not even a designer2002
    • not even in branding2002
    • I am not hedge2002

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