Women these days.

Out of context: Reply #108

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  • sea_sea0

    ok, i kinda read the thread..
    and going back to your original question zoo, here is my opinion.

    yes there are girls that want to be treated well, those are the ones that are looking for the same things you are. all the rest either don't know wtf they want or maybe they do, it's just not in synch with you.

    you're clearly "looking" and that's when all you'll find is a booty call. if you're out thinking you're gonna find a meaningful realtionship at a bar, well that shit don't happen. especially because alcohol is involved. most likely the girl that you'll end up having a true connection with, you will meet in a total random way, when you least expect it. or better yet, you already know her, and you haven't seen that yet. ;)

    and i say this because it sounds like you want a relationship and not just a booty call. am i wrong?

    figure out what you want in a partner and make sure you can find those qualities within yourself. as humans, i believe we are wired to naturally want a partner, no shame in that. and if you were with someone for 7 years well that says a lot about you already. so maybe take some time and work on yourself first and once you feel good, i bet everything you want will follow.
    does that make sense?

    btw, this happened to me, i broke off an 8 year relationship with a guy that i thought i loved, but in reality we we're just friends. it was tough, but once i managed to do that, i spent some time working on me, getting my head back on straight and shit. then out of no where, when i felt good about me (cause don't forget we project that energy) i started talking to a friend, someone i already knew but never saw in that light. now we have the most amazing connection, we both are still kinda in shock, we didn't expect it at all! that my friend is the sweetest kind of love there is. and yes, he is super creative and romantic, treats me with respect and love, like i should be treated, and I fuckin' love it dammit. i expect nothing less at this point.

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