Out of context: Reply #61

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  • pr20

    I really have to question design skills of people who claim that mac OS looks better as in reality it's FUGLY, counter-intuitive and with cold uninviting color scheme. Each time i have to work with Mac it's like talking to an ugly girl at a bar. Sure the boxes themselves are beautiful but the OS - oh GOD!

    That Win 8 video on first page is directly related to how i feel about Mac OS. In some alternative universe maybe it makes sense to some but sure it barely ever makes sense to me.

    Bitching done.

    Both are just tools made by slave labor and mega corporations that don't give shit about you. So use the tool you are comfortable with. The only consideration would be to look at the environment. If you mostly talk to PC people - get PC if Mac get Mac.

    • oh shit, i just got dragged into this debate... how come?pr2
    • < this guy thinks OS X is fugly compared to Windows. That says EVERYTHINGmonospaced
    • dude, rmaind me to never hire you as a designerpr2
    • pr2, i would say the same thing when i take you to the bar.akrok
    • i gues i would end up with the hot chick but you would be happy with the ugly one from the corner...pr2
    • that hot chick has HIV. just so you know.akrok
    • haven't really seen Win8 but win7 is god awful! too many transparent elements and animation. inconsistent layout.pango
    • the ugly one is a virgin.akrok
    • OS Lion not very good as well. mission control and launch pad is retarded.pango
    • seriously, consistency and OSX are two mutually exclusive concepts. open itunes, look at the maximize buttons, pfff.zarkonite
    • there are no maximize buttons on iTunes anymore.monospaced

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