Needed HTML5 Guru

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • vaxorcist0

    HTML5/Cloud/noSQL = all buzzwords....

    ... and I am NOT free to do this now, I'm booked....

    This could be done in Javascript + PHP + jquery + HTML whatever...

    Note that anything like this is the TOP of the iceberg... the rest is the process back end, where your server composites images for printing on actual T-shirts, somebody prints them, ships them, etc.

    NOTE: This is not as easy as it sounds, we did it in flash for a project a few years ago, beware of dealmaker execs who think it's all about the deal and not about the actual execution....

    NOTE that images can be stretched, but your screen resolution will be half or less of the printed resolution of a full-size T-shirt graphic, so be careful here.... and if you're using vectors, you'll have a more complicated back end than if you're just stretching and compositing JPEGS in PHP/imageMagik...

    • Sounds overcomplicating.detritus
    • NOTE.detritus
    • if you avoid vector logos and control color masking, it's much easier.....vaxorcist
    • if you want to put color X over color Y, that can be a problem in T-shirt printing... unless it's all rendered to ONE JPEGvaxorcist

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