KONY 2012

Out of context: Reply #114

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  • randommail0

    America and probably Britain as well, need an excuse to invade Uganda to control the mineral assets, specifically oil. Joseph Kony will be the new ‘devil’ (see Saddam and Gaddafi) and western troops will have to invade to remove Kony from Uganda . At the same time, they will take control of the mineral assets and place their puppets in control of Uganda.

    The main politician in the video who advocates the removal of Kony is Republican Senator Jim Inhofe and guess who have been his major source of funds for the 2008 and 2010 re-election campaign. From his Wikipedia page :

    In the 2008 election cycle, Inhofe’s largest campaign donors represented the oil and gas ($446,900 in donations), leadership PACs ($316,720) and electric utilities ($221,654) industries/categories . In 2010, his largest donors represented the oil and gas ($429,950) and electric utilities ($206,654).

    The video is an attempt to manipulate public opinion into ‘something must be done’ with the ‘won’t anybody think of the children’ emphasis and that ‘something must be done’ will probably involve sending troops into Uganda. But why all of a sudden is America concerned with the children of Africa? It never has before.
    I must stress Kony is a nasty piece of work and Uganda would be a better place if he was gone but experience shows when you send in the troops, it only serves to make a bad situation worse.

    At best “Invisible Children” are useful idiots. They are being played like a violin and I can see in my mind’s eye in six months time, President Obama wiping away the tears thinking of the children, as he announces he will have to send more troops into Uganda and at the same time, the stocks of the concerned oil companies rocket skywards.

    (not my writing, but I couldn't agree more)

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