Organizing creative assets

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • 9 Responses
  • tasty0

    We've nailed our organization process by appointing people from the trenches of each department that use the server ALL day. here's a screen shot and some info. It takes a village, and one village idiot can fuck it up -- everyone needs to transition together.

    1) Client Name

    2) Department (organized per department)

    3) _assets (all currently usable assets and an archive of old stuff)
    20__ Projects

    4) All jobs start with Project number 0000_short description

    5) Things that are constantly changing get their own folder with no job#'s

    6) This folder contains updated PSDs and archives of the old ones. as well as folders for sliced JPGs/GIFs, FLA, SWF etc.

    • It tooks us about 8 months to get every existing client organized into this format, the new ones are easy to implement.tasty

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