Logo design for another studio's client

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Continuity0

    I'll be honest, I'm having a bit of a tough time figuring out why this thread exists.

    For one thing, how much time passed between when you handed off your artwork, and this shop did its tweaks?

    I really does sound to me like the stuff you did made people happy, but time passed, and the client asked a new shop to update your stuff.

    And you said yourself that the colleague with whom you worked in the original studio moved on, and that might be a reason the client decided to go with the other shop.

    I'm not un-sympathetic, but this sort of stuff happens all the time, and it's usually client-directed.

    You got paid, you can proudly use the work in your folio and life goes on.

    I'm not trying to be a cock; I just don't see what's unusual about any of this.

    • the "colleague" art directed him and now works at the new firm in question, that's whatmonospaced
    • I was also thinking it might be the case, but it still isn't that big a deal, from where I sit.Continuity
    • exactly, the other guy came up with the idea, Guss was only one of the designersmonospaced

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