Reckomend a canon lens

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  • autoflavour0

    I have the 24-70L HijoDMaite.. I use it on a 7D.

    I occasionally miss that extra bit of wideness that the 17-50mm Tamron i had before could give me, but generally speaking, most of the time i dont notice it.

    and when its comes to image quality, the 24-70L destroys the Tamron.. no question what so ever.

    I use it the majority of the time when im shooting..

    the only complaint i have is the weight, it does get a bit much after walking around for about an hour in your hand..

    I still have the Tamon 17-50mm 2.8, but it literally hasnt been used since getting the 24-70

    If i want wide, i will switch to the Sigma 10-20mm ..

    I also use the Canon 100mm macro a bit, but not as much as I used to

    anything I would have used the IS for, i just bounce a flash off the roof..

    but most of the time, i find its ok by itself.

    I borrowed my friends 70-200mm L 2.8 the other week for a wedding, and found the IS was handy there, if only to counteract the weight of the lens..

    And before any photo know it alls decide to comment on the waste of having a 24-70L on a crop sensor body, I have gone thru 4 bodies in the last 6 years, but have kept the majority of the lenses..
    once i have reason enough (and cash enough) to go full frame, i will..

    until then, the image quality alone justifies it.

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