canon600D or ____

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    ^excellent advice

    On the lens differences, people forget that some nikon lenses rely on the in-body autofocus motor (like on d90, d7000 etc) while others just have the in-lens autofocus motor.

    and from what ive seen the d5100 images are indistinguishable from d7000.

    And DXOmark is essential. Choosing a camera and looking at high iso images side by side means nothing unless you know the actual ISO the camera chooses. Your camera might say iso 800, but it could really be 500 for one brand and 1000 another.

    the iso 500 would require a longer shutter, but sadly reviewers dont post shutter speeds needed to achieve correct exposure.

    Without this 'actual iso' ratings (or shutter speeds) you cant gauge how good a camera really is in low light / high iso.

    • many websites unfortunately compare JPEGS, not RAW... therefore useless comparison for me......vaxorcist
    • Shooting in jpg is criminal. What a useless review.CyBrainX
    • yeh vax, dpreview do RAW which is good.
      Jpeg is great for snaps, but pro work RAW all the way.

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