Facebook Timeline

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • orpkoobcam20

    First there was big brother... and now in a way there's facebook and other social sites that are turning you and your friends etc, into mini celebrities.

    If you use facebook as indicated in that timeline video, your fans can know everything about your entire life and keep track of you each day.

    It's as if, in the future - and to some degree now - facebook and the like are creating a world were we no longer have 'real' friends, but rather 'fans', liking out every real life move that we share online.

    We could take it the next logical step further and create some sort of hovering web cam to follow us around 24 hours a day and provide a constant video stream to on out facebook status. Feeding our fans with mindless trivia. They can sit there watching you all day - clicking the like button when you do something mildly interesting to them. And then Facebook can provide a highlights show of your day based on the most commonly 'liked' things you did.

    How far do we take this 'sharing' online trivia?

    Where will be 100 years from now?

    How will children born today in to a world of facebook know any better?

    Frankly - it's scary stuff. I'm logging off, shutting down, powering off and checking out.

    They ought to call it Triviabook.

    • correction "...constant video stream on to our facebook status."orpkoobcam2

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