Burning Man

Out of context: Reply #398

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  • sea_sea0

    my camera is fine, but i did see a ton of people with wrapped cameras to avoid the dust. i'm sure it can get messed up especially if your changing lenses, i took a film changing bag for the same reason but after one trip to the playa, i retired my large format camera to camp and carried a point and shoot everywhere i went. sure i sacrificed pixels and quality, but in reality whatever i captured was enough to help take me back. i had way to much fun to worry about a camera. i know capn_ron carried his nice camera around without a wrap too and he seemed fine about it.

    next year, the plan is to take a nicer point and shoot maybe something like the G10, where i can stil play with exposures yet easy enough to carry everywhere. after a while everything weighs you down, the lighter you roll the better!

    • just get a S95 its the same internals as a G10 but smaller. same controls toosofakingbanned
    • there you go, or the S95 :) definitely sticking with canon. thnx.sea_sea

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