Burning Man

Out of context: Reply #384

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  • pango0

    his best friend or your best friend?
    fuck em. if being being honest and true to who you are (which i assume you are a nice person from what i've know from QBN) isn't good enough for them? fuck em.
    I bet he is just paranoid if he didn't go with you. Which actually seem normal to me. how ever he still needs to grow up.

    and over all, relationships are over rated... fml...

    • Thanks pango, I like u. Lol
      I do think some people have a hard time around happy people sometimes though. Its weird.
    • It's like when u say hi to someone in the street and they look at u like ur a walking disease.sea_sea
    • Oh and I was talking about my best friend. Interestingly this experience has brought to light. Aspects of our friendship we must deal with in order to move on.sea_sea
    • Must deal with now in order to move our frienship forward. I'm just amazed at all the lessons I've had to deal with in the last 2 weeks.sea_sea
    • 2 weeks or so. Pretty interesting.sea_sea
    • sometimes you gotta burn shit to the ground to make room for new growthscarabin
    • yeah!! burn shit to the ground! who doesn't love that! scara is saying what we're all thinking!!pango
    • i'm all about burning shit right now.sea_sea

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