Client Ditched My Work

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • identity0

    "Even if what I had come up with didn't communicate their intent"

    A client needs to feel like they contributed to the experience. They need to feel like THEY were the geniuses behind this idea. It's hard - I KNOW - but taking our ego out of the equation is the only way you're going to be able to do great work and have the client accept, pay and produce it.

    In this case, it sounds like you weren't very inclusive of the client in the process - even if this is THEIR fault, hound them with emails, set up calls, it may seem annoying but they'll appreciate your effort (just don't ask dumb questions). Also, by your own admission, your creation did not communicate what it is they do and YOU are not even happy with it. I would rather have no logo produced than something out there with my name attached to it that I'm not proud to show everyone from my Mom to Michael Beirut.

    What the client got in the end is a mediocre product - but I bet he was micro-managing the shit out of it and he TRULY feels like it's his creation. You didn't give him that.

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