my gf always goes through the history on the laptop!

Out of context: Reply #82

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  • shellie0

    The comparison might seem harsh, but I feel like in a lot of ways people should approach training their partners, kids, and friends like they do dogs. Why do people spend so much more focused energy training dogs on their boundaries, but with humans they get so loose with it? Sending mixed messages by not communicating clearly creates bad humans just like it creates bad dogs. Consistency in what your enforcement of your boundaries will enforce your desired result. People will keep testing the limit just like dogs will if you give them a treat when you're disciplining them for doing something wrong.

    Like Cesar Millan would say, "Be the leader of your pack."

    • I absolutely agree. Treat me like a dog, its sexy.Dodecahedron
    • first time i've seen a girl tell a man to treat women like dogsscarabin
    • wtf is he wearing on his feet?scarabin
    • Looks like wheels from a baby strollermoldero
    • It might do you well. @Dodecahedron. People seems to care more about pets than people.shellie

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