
Out of context: Reply #11

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  • vaxorcist0

    You should also be aware that Usage and Copyright are two different things. Some newbie designers don't know this.... you probably do know this, but I think it should be said again and again.

    Just because you retain copyright doesn't mean client cannot USE the as they see fit, and as you've agreed upon in a contract.... it does mean however that they can't MANGLE IT BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION without your approval.

    Many independent designers retain Copyright to their work, but allow clients almost unlimited usage. Photographers make their living on usage, I had a friend whose client used a photo of his in a major newspaper fullpage ad, in direct violation of his usage contract and he threatened to sue, got some money... lest you complain, note that that ad cost a TON of money, and the client would not have placed the ad without that photo, hence his creative product was worth much more than he was originally paid.

    I also think that many designers do waaay too much "work for hire" work, where they're digital day laborers, not getting the rights or recognition they deserve, finding their work resold by the client or ageny, repurposed by somebody's high school friend into something else,etc...

    A final note... if you "work for hire" and give away copyright, beware that your client can 1. forbid you from putting the work in your folio/website and 2. resell the work on some crowdsourcing site

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