3D: Flash vs HTML5

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • Pupsipu0

    Apps and OS APIs are better technologically and have enough popular support among developers that it's hard to predict wether Flash/Browsers will come out ahead. You can improve OSs much faster than clusterfucked compatibility layers.

    The best technological hope the web has is NativeClient. http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2… Google knows that JavaScript VMs are a dead horse with limited capabilities and they're really hard to develop. It took big teams to make and optimize V8. It's taking Mozilla years to catch up. Java VM on Android took years to optimize, and desktop Java has been optimized for a decade before that. A lot of the desktop VM work didn't transfer to mobiles because they have less RAM.

    Virtual machines are hard. Google has http://golang.org/ which is a language that can run as fast as C, compile as fast as JS and feels easyish to code in. It's a lot easier to get such a language into shape than optimize a VM. NativeClient will then securely run the binaries. It's the same as apps, but you're not depending on app stores and anti-viruses for security.

    There is this Pepper API effort that will allow NaCl to hook into the same APIs JS can use. Mozilla has it's own new language, Rust, lots of similar features and goals as Go.

    So basically we may end up with old school OSs but with new secure languages and sandboxes instead of anti-viruses. And with new idiot friendly UIs inspired by the web and iOS.

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