3D: Flash vs HTML5

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  • Boz0


    Well here's an idea I had but i couldn't realize without real 3D support (Papervision was not enough and the quality was crap)..

    I wanted to build an app in Flash that would allow me to create a rich interactive catalog and tracking of how far your house is built (when you buy a house that's being built by KBHomes for example).

    So you would be able to pick item from a builder's catalog of products, kitchens and so on and put them and when your house is built you go through the floorplan and you can put those catalog items directly inside the house and see how they look without going through the pain of going to the actual store, picking stuff and so on.

    Then you would have an app or a widget for your desktop you could have and it would be updated with news from the builder in regards to your house but you would see every 3d aspect as your house is being built.

    I mean I thought about this years ago and but it wasn't possible.. now with 3D you can build complete houses and have interactivity in building it out in 3d, different texturing, and so on on fly.

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