3D: Flash vs HTML5

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  • Boz0

    Here's what I believe will happen.

    HTML5/WebGL will be used for A LOT more things. That's undoubtedly true. Maybe not now but in the coming years a lot of less complex, HTML5 driven apps will be present more then before. This is natural and it's great.

    So there will be less need for many things to use Flash for.. That's without a doubt. But as Google understands and sees and the reason they integrated Flash into Chrome is that we will be building truly fantastic experiences by utilizing both Flash and HTML5 for example.

    The 2 are not excluding. Flash Molehill plus HTML5 stuff like local storage and similar will work like magic and JS will be used as a bridge between the too.. not to mention apps that need to use micrphone and camera and so on through Flash but are basically HTML5 apps.

    I'm supporter of HTML5.. I love it.. I think it's moving the web forward and I have no issues for it to replace many functionalities Flash does..but unfortunately no matter how much someone supports open standards you realize that they are not appropriate for everything. Especially in commercial projects where security and DRM and stuff like this is needed.

    It is also important to note that even though it would be cool, I"m highly skeptical that HTML5/WebGL will EVER come close to the speed and platform compatibility that Flash/AIR will give us with Molehill. I think the fact that you can bulild everything in Flash/AS3 for games or interactive experiences and be able to release it as desktop app for app stores (like Mac App Store, or new intel app store or similar) and then release the same thing on iOS and Android and then the same thing on Blackberry.

    Try making all those environments behave and process HTML5/WebGL the same. If that happens I'll call it magic. But it's really a dream in reality.. With Flash/AIR that becomes very much possible.

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