iFlowReader out of business

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • Boz0

    What do you mean? A 3rd party app store is the same as installing any app.. there's nothing special.

    Also, you can directly install apps to your Android phone from the web..

    Oh there are logical reasons. Apple needs full control in order to make you buy their remaining hardware. They NEED you to be locked in so you can't use anything else.

    Google's approach is to open everything up, to motivate competition because even if someone makes a better platform like app store or whatever, they still win because their primary business is search and advertising.. So progress and openness is in their interest, complete opposite of Apple. Apple needs to "enslave" your content, apps and everything, make you buy from their services, make you buy their accessories, make you buy their computers etc etc and everyone building stuff for their platform can't use anything else. And even if you do not compete with them today, you might build a kick ass service or app and tomorrow Apple makes something similar and they will most likely kick you out or change terms of agreement so it's unsustainable for you.

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