Trump Branding and the Birther Romanticists

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • gregmwashington0

    I don't want to come off as being Mr. Know-it-all, but both the left and right skew the facts to support their cause.

    He was born on American soil, his mother is American, but his father is not. And while most people say Obama is American enough, these "Birthers" or racists believe otherwise, Donald Trump being one of them.

    The basis of the conflict started with “Is he born here?” Which was answered with a resounding YES. But then it became about whether or not he is a “Natural Born Citizen” because you MUST be a Natural Born Citizen in order to become President of the United States.

    Unfortunately for Americans, their constitution does not give a specific definition of what exactly a Natural Born Citizen is, so the U.S. adopted the law of England which basically states that to be a "Natural Born Citizen" not only do you have to be born on the land in question, but your parents should hold no allegiance to any other nation (meaning that they have to be citizens as well). But the law of England also does not state whether it requires both parents, or just one of your parents to be citizens.

    And while it is in fact a bit presumptuous to assume that race is the driving force behind these “Birthers”, I think we know enough about American history to make that assumption.

    Either way. The U.S. is still pretty fucked.

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