The web is too small a place

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • duhsign0

    ^agree with u here. Treatements, techniques, styles these all are open source these days. I still giggle when I hear people calling this stuff a rip. A rip is a direct copy, same shape, same layout, same form, same colors or a small enough degree of difference for someone to see its a direct rip. Theres only so much you can do with animating type. Now if the fonts are the same or too close thats an argument I guess. I would say the rippers are pretty uncreative...and I wouldn't give them a shred of credit for the look and feel. They made a cool type based video, yay, they borrowed everything they did or as some might say ripped so you see it once and know they copied and forget about them except to remember not to do that yourself in the future.

    • all three videos "ripped" the typefaces because they were designed by someone else no?duhsign
    • agree with attention span

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