Android to own 50% of smartphone marketshare by 2012

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • monospaced0

    Seriously Boz, with this thread you somehow crossed some threshold putting you solidly in a troll bracket. For awhile it was just a part of you, but you seemed to be consumed by this supposed "battle" that is raging between Apple and the competition. The fact is that life goes on, they're just phones, and nobody really cares unless they're truly invested in the area. Congratulations, nobody will ever take you seriously again.

    • let me cry myself to sleep because I really don't give a shit what you think of me.Boz
    • Is anyone taken seriously here?303
    • Yes, actually, you do. If I say even one word you rant @monospaced. It's very predictable.monospaced
    • adn the fact that you consider yourself "everybody" is just proving the point how much of an idiot you are.Boz
    • I like feeding the Boz troll.monospaced
    • And you're right. I'm just one person. Everyone else here is on your side. Carry on.monospaced
    • this isnt really about sides you know..plash
    • exactly.. but he seems to think it is.Boz
    • lol, seriously Boz, don't try to turn the attention to me, you're the only one starting threads about it, NOT me you fuckwadmonospaced
    • im not sure i understand. apple threads: OK? android threads: Not OK?plash
    • not that it matters...plash

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