35mm Film Camera

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • pinkfloyd0

    Are film cameras better in image quality than a digital camera like a cd is better than a mp3 in sound quality?

    • no technically CDs are better than an analogue recording like digicameras are better than film.Dodecahedron
    • but both analogue audio and film have a 'better' and more natural aestheticDodecahedron
    • at this point it's more like how records sound better than mp3s.bigtrick
    • So let's say, a medium format film camera would have a better result than a digital medium format?pinkfloyd
    • a 120 camera CAN give amazing results, but often doesn't, it's trickier... less depth of field, more vibration,etc..vaxorcist
    • medium format digitals are VERY tweeky.... Hasselblad HD40 requires VERRY precise focus and holding it right...vaxorcist

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