Logo / branding cost...

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • Sinov0

    Heh, I have worked on a redesign of an iconic national brand that's been around for over 30 years. It took care and research to change it enough to make it new but keep the same aesthetic. We worked (two senior designer) on it for aprox 6 months and went through over 20 focus group meetings where they evaluated public's response to our multiple concepts. The business they do is over 180 million a year. Now would you charge them 5K for a re-brand? Hmmm.... It really does depend on the size of the client company and the size of the design firm doing the re-brand.

    • Well there the effort probably equaled the amount billed. 6 months is a long time.sublocked
    • I still got paid shitty salary though :(Sinov

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