Leica D-Lux 5

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Straight from Steve Huffs mouth -

    "But Isnt This A Panasonic LX-5 In Disguise?

    Many of you reading this will trash me and this review if I say ANYTHING positive about this camera. Why? Because there are many out there who bash Leica for “rebranding” Panasonic cameras with their body shell and logo and selling it at a $300 premium. I will say right now that if you want to save $300 and you want the same camera then you can easily buy the Panasonic LX5 RIGHT NOW for $499. You will get a one year warranty, you will get a different body style (with grip) and you will get lower end software. The Leica D-Lux 5 will give you different firmware, different body style and looks, a 3 year warranty, and better software."

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