
Out of context: Reply #18

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  • nb0

    The reason you have clients asking for "No Flash" is that they (or someone they know) owns an iPhone and occasionally gets the "no plugin" and it drives iPhone users insane when they can't look at a site. We've all heard people complain about this, including regular people who don't really understand the issue.

    What's important: you might have noticed that in this situation iPhone owners rarely blame the iPhone, rather they tend to blame the website (designers) for making a website that doesn't work for them. This is because people love their iPhones (even if they are inferior by any particular measure.)

    So, you can fight for Adobe over Apple or whatever, but you're just a designer and you're not going to be able to change what platform people use. Why do you care about Flash? Why do HTML5 people feel the need to defend it? Instead design your web sites to cater to the widest possible audience or, if you know your audience well enough, use the tools that will fit them.

    • i can go with that as wellfadein11
    • redirect to crappy iPhone/iPad site. problem solved.moldero
    • Sure, as long as you can convince your client it's worth it. Your competition knows how to design without flash.nb
    • They do? Show me! I've yet to see a HTML5 site that didn't look/work like a 10+ yr old site. Redirect. Solved.formed
    • "owners rarely blame the iPhone, rather they tend to blame the website" To be fair it is the websites faultanimatedgif

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