All this TSA crap

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • Boz0

    Where are the fucktard Teabagging shitheads complaining now? There is probably nothing more violating and invasive than this TSA crap..

    As probably already quoted .. Benjamin Franklin said it well when he said if you are such an imbecile to sacrifice a little security for freedom you are such a douchebag and maggot of a human being you don't deserve either. I'm paraphrasing of course.

    The chance of terrorist boarding plane with explosive with security we had prior to this blatant and disgusting violating of our freedom and rights was 1 to 30 million.

    Instead of investing money and training the TSA agents in a much better way, in profiling, in behavioral analysis, they have decided that it's easiest to have some fat fuck touch mothers and grandmothers and then jerk off later in the bathroom remembering how he felt up someone's tits or ass.

    It's disgusting.

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