
Out of context: Reply #28

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  • lukus_W0

    Fundamentalism of any kind is pretty scary .. people who are fanatical about veganism / vegetarianism scare me a bit; in the same way that people who are fanatical about guns and liberty, or god do too.

    The fact is, we don't _need_ to kill animals to survive - we have a the luxury of choice, and we can eat what we like and involve politics in the decision if we want to. There are thousands of ways we can live our lives - no one needs to conform.

    We don't have to kill other living beings (or die). We're not living in the wild west or the jungle - most of us live in cities.

    As for plants feeling pain just like animals - this sounds like complete bullshit to me .. especially when you consider that plants are made from a completely different cell type. It's a comparison which tries to show the similarity between animals and plants - when the more useful comparison is between animals and humans.

    Eating meat is tied closely to masculine ideals, and I reckon a lot of people romanticise the process of killing meat and consuming it - and choose their point of view purely for the purpose of projecting a macho image. It's understandable, but a bit naive maybe.

    Re. the article. The author might need to eat animal derived products to function - but I don't see why the alternative - of becoming a fully fledged carnivore - was taken when there was an intermediate step; e.g. becoming a ovo-lacto vegetarian, and seeing how that goes.

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