No kids, you can work weekends!

Out of context: Reply #89

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I find it humorous that, here in the real world, where evolution has driven life for millions of years to reproduce, and instill the drives and so forth and so on to do that, and to provide all sorts of rewards for the process - from the endorphin rush of falling in love and sex, to the slow gentle satisfaction of relative monogomy and the joys of watching your kids grow up.

    That a bunch of douchetards think they're special snowflakes because they "choose" not to reproduce.

    Hate to tell you this folks, but that's the way this life thing works on the grand scale. Ever watch the nature channel? All the Alpha big boys have little one running around. All the losers don't. The ones that reproduce? See the very functions of life reward them.

    For 99% of all human history, you reproduced and you got rewarded. Just because Western Civilization is so fucked at the moment that you think you're making some amazing "lifestyle choice" by not reproducing, well that just point out how fucked up it is, and you are for expending the intellectual justification to not want to reproduce.

    From an evolutionary point of view you're thew one choosing, not us with the offspring. You're choosing to be childless. And guess what, if you're not producing the offspring than society has to find some use for your sorry lightweight asses...and oh yeah, it's to work a bit harder to make up for your "choice".

    So if I get to go home early so I can watch my daughter chew on a rubber giraffe, well, I've earned that shit.

    So, you guys are choosing, in the game of life as set by evolution itself, to basically lose and you're bitching about it.

    Man up.

    • wtf, u're saying u're a special snowflake that should go home early cuz u've got a daughter?Milan
    • Oh, we've evolved past whatever you're watching on the nature channel.nb
    • having kids destroys the planet, wastes oil, which will run out and they'll all starve. Wasted effort.Pupsipu
    • lol. like its some big achievement to get a woman pregnant?iCanHasQBN
    • have we? I don't think so.cerberus
    • half of my brain is completely devoted to remembering to PULL THE FUCK OUT.iCanHasQBN
    • +10000000000drgz
    • social selection, in two generations from now the western civilization will be much better off however, like a filterdrgz

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