Prop 19

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • zarkonite0

    from the article: Myth #1, I hope no one could possibly believe that.

    Myth #2, you americans don't think that anyone under the age of 21 should have legal fun. Too bad but if she wants pot to be legal for people under 21, she's being kind of hopeful given that no other fun substances are.

    Myth #3, again, minors can't drink so minors can't smoke pot... there's a certain logic to this she doesn't seem to grasp.

    Myth #4, she complains you might no be able to grow pot if you rent... buy your own fucking place if you want to do what you want, renting has a lot of restrictions this is just another one.

    Myth #5, her problem is with having to buy pot from a licensed establishement... I guess she doesn't like liquor stores and pharmacies either!

    Myth #6, she doesn't state any facts and her logic is flawed. She says that cities have made marijuana possession their lowest priority but that the new rules would make helping a minor get high a grave offence... seems to me like she's ASSUMING cities will react by assigning cops to hunting down adults who are trying to get minors high but that seems unlikely to me.

    Myth #7, the source she's quoting directly contradicts her argument. Ref 15 states that the money will be used to administer the new programme, not just pay cops to chase underage pot smokers.

    Myth #8, she doesn't seem to know that running any type of business costs money.

    Myth #9, again showing she hates corporations and rich people more than anything else.

    etc... it's obvious that these rules are not the holy grail of freedom but it's not a bad idea either. I'd vote for it, just because it pushes the debate in the right direction.

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